Chinese School for 2024-2025 Opens for Registration!
Two locations for Chinese and Subsidiary Classes:
Fridays (Evening): River Hill High School
Saturdays: LLUMC
Please use the link below to register Chinese and/or Subsidiary Classes.
Register Chinese and Subsidiary Classes Here
Sports Clinics running currently (contact us for additional spots):
Volleyball Classes (@Various Public Schools and @ Sports World)
Fencing Classes (@Pointers Run Elementary School)
Basketball Classes (@Pointers Run Elementary School and River Hill High School)
Tennis Class (@River Hill High School)
Register for School Year 2020-2021 and Summer “Camp”!
Congratulations! We successfully completed the school year with online classes. Since we prepared so well, and teachers worked so hard that both teachers and parents feel that online classes are more effective than we thought. Students really enjoyed the virtual learning. We almost have 100% attendance rate for all online classes during last 2 months of pandemic. All curriculums have been delivered on time as planned.
For summer camp, we will use online classes during summer. Click here to register summer classes.
It is time to register classes for next school year. Click here to register Peiying Chinese School 2020-2021. You will get 10% off if you register by May 31.
We switched to online education!
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, we will follow the same school closure as Howard County Public School system. Instead of in-classroom learning, we will use ZOOM to continue our regular classes from home. This rule applies to both weekday classes and Saturday classes.
As March 14, our school has successfully switched to online! All classes should meet the same time as scheduled unless notified otherwise. All class teachers have been trained to use ZOOM on March 13. Zoom user guide has been distributed to all teachers. Please observe the rule we set for online classes. It is important that you do not share any picture or screenshot from the online class tool (ZOOM) to outside of the class.
With online education, we expect your full attendance!
Thank you!
We are proud to partner with Horizon Foundation in 2020!
We’re proud to partner with Horizon Foundation on mental health and build a community of Emotional Support Humans in Howard County! This program will also benefit parents and students in our Peiying Chinese School! Watch for detail information to school WeChat and Email.
Peiying Chinese School starts on Saturday (Sept 07, 2019).
Chinese Classes: Chinese classes start at 1:45PM. If you ordered textbooks previously, class teacher will distribute books to students in the classroom.
Subsidiary Classes: Subsidiary classes start at 3:45PM. There are still limited spaces in some classes. Please contact us for detail information.
New Registration: If you need to register new classes or purchase textbooks, please come to our front desk outside of 132A.
Class Schedule: Please go to Class Schedule page
School Calendar: We will publish school calendar for the fall of 2019 during summer 2019.
时间:2月18日周六下午2 pm
12101 Clarksville Pike (Route 108)
Clarksville, MD 21029
美国大学教育的费用成为许多中产家庭的沉重的负担, 目前私立大学4年下来每个孩子可能需要准备20-30万美元。 许多家庭面临着要用牺牲自己的退休金给孩子上学的处境。 而在申请助学金方面,也有很多谜思和困惑?
我们邀请综合性投资顾问公司Genesis Capital 的王博士给广大家长朋友做精彩分享。王博士是美国特许金融分析师 ,在投资,银行和保险三大金融行业积累了多年丰富经验。 2016年马里兰美中实验中文学校和北维希望中文学校举办的两场 讲座,广受学生家长好评和欢迎, 并获得美华商报等媒体的多次报道。 今年他的巡回演讲第一站选在培英中文学校。 我们期待他有精彩的内容呈现。欢迎大家前来参加!座位有限, 请报名确认,人数限30人。
最近哈维郡亚裔社区连遭入室盗窃, 光一月份就有九家亚裔家庭被盗。 为了让社区的华人家庭有更多的安防知识,培英中文学校特意请来了 Lt Stephanie Wall来给大家介绍一下情况,讲解一下安全知识。
时间为本周六(2/11/2017)下午两点到三点二十, River Hill High School Classroom 148。限制报名人数35人。请大家在此注册。 KSLEwv4jxOx0KXoE3
Peiying 2017 Chinese New Year Gala Video Link
2017培英中文学校春节联欢晚会视频(Jan 15,2017)
跑步沙龙 – 美东长跑一哥芮宁讲演: “你问我如何跑步”
哈维知足常跑群和培英中文学校将于10/ 22下午联合举办2016金秋沙龙。特别邀请到芮宁( 美东长跑一哥)来给大家讲演- “你问我如何跑步”。
大学, 获计量方法学博士学位。他供职于维思达特公司(Westat) 美国总部,任资深研究主任。此外,芮宁博士还从事课程教学, 在国际学术期刊上发表论文十余篇, 在国际会议上作做报告100余场。
芮宁博士因血糖、血脂超标, 在医生的建议下从2012年开始跑步,由此乐此不疲。 经过4年的努力,体重从近190磅降到130磅。 不仅身体各项指标均达到正常值范围内, 睡眠质量也得到了明显的提升。自2012年秋迁至华府地区工作, 他索性卖掉汽车,督促自己跑步上下班,无论寒暑,不曾一日偷闲。 4年不懈的坚持和执着使他取得了令人瞩目的成就, 成为唯一一名蒙哥马利郡长跑竞技队的华裔队员, 代表蒙郡在全国各地取得了许多骄人成绩, 包括多次在大华府地区的5千米, 万米和半马比赛中取得前三名以内的好成绩, 保持着华府地区华人万米,半马,全马等多项纪录。
此次芮宁博士应邀现身说法, 对广大长跑爱好者及关注运动保健的听众是一次难得的良机。 名额有限,报名从速(用下面链接报名):
2016 金秋沙龙 RSVP : spreadsheets/d/ 1cgxNzx9WQIGC9WxNbDUc9D2ZMAqpw cSvaEXs2BltkRg/edit#gid=0
时间: 2016年10月22日,周六下午3:50-5:20PM
地点: RHHS 高中 RM139
电话:(404) 202-2469
电邮 或
Peiying Chinese School opens 8/27/2016. Welcome all new students and teachers!
Please go to “Saturday Class” page to check for detail class schedule and classroom assignment. If you are interested in registering any of classes, feel free to visit us on 8/27/2016 1:45PM-5:45PM in River Hill High School. Our school administration desk is outside of room 132.
Note: Our Education Seminar Video will be posted soon. Please check back later!
Peiying 2016 New Year Gala Video Link
华府网文章:猴年春晚各路英豪显身手 不负众望培英学童展英姿
培英中文学校猴年春节晚会将于二月十三号(周六)在 Clarksville Middle School 举行。为使各位嘉宾体验传统中国文化, 本校特意安排了逛庙会和各色小吃,如天津狗不理包子、肉夹馍、 油条、凉粉、蚂蚁上树(四川风味)等等应有尽有。 另外还有从大家喜爱的中餐馆定的餐和孩子们喜爱的pizza。 晚餐后有精彩演出。有兴趣自己做特色菜的朋友可以来庙会卖, 请提前和我们联系。这次培英中文学校春晚除了有本校精彩节目外、 还邀请了外来高质量的节目参演,其中有音乐、歌舞、小品、相声、 跆拳道、古筝、舞狮等。一定会让您大饱眼福、口福。 体验十足的家乡年味。期待您和您的朋友的光临。
门票免费。但请大家提前报名及告知参会人数提前领票。 餐卷也可以提前预订。免得当场排队。
4:00 – 6:30 彩排、庙会、晚餐
6:30 – 9:00 晚会。
Clarksville Middle School 地址: 6535 South Trotter Rd, Clarksville, MD 21029。
Ms 黄茹 410-227-5199 (cell) email:;
Ms 杨勇慧 410-926-0570
Coming Soon: Spring and Summer Camps registration:
We have successfully run spring and summer camps for five years. We are the largest Chinese based camp in Howard County in last three years. We tailor our program each year to meet the need of our community. Please go to Summer Camp page for related information.
Recent News :
One March 20, 2015, we represented China Country to sponsor Clarksville Elementary School International Nights. Thank you volunteers for helping organizing the event, donating Chinese food, providing Decoration, organizing performance, making posters, and serving at the display.
On Feb 19, 2015, Peiying Chinese School was invited to Howard County Government building to celebrate Government hosted Chinese New Year celebration. Peiying performed a dance and provided some Chinese food for dinner. Here is the video link: Video Link
Peiying 2015 New Year Celebration video (Feb 7, 2015): We have published almost all videos from our Chinese New Year celebration event. Please go to Events and Photos page for links.